Posts By :

Shlomi Ron

What Inspires You To Take A Photo?
What Inspires You To Take A Photo? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

With everybody using their phones to snap photos, have you ever stopped to think what inspired you to stop and take that photo? As visual storytellers, one of the most fun activities is to take photos using our phone. It’s convenient, immediate, and on-the-go. I have recently talked about our unique superpower to use our…

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How to Tell A Memorable Story
How to Tell A Memorable Story 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As you’re spreading your brand narrative far and wide, do you sometimes have trouble coming up with ways to tell memorable stories? Yep! Those stories that stuck in your mind, and even years later you still find yourself sharing them with people How to Tell A Memorable Story When you look at the various ways…

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How Do Architects Design Metaverse Experiences?
How Do Architects Design Metaverse Experiences?
How Do Architects Design Metaverse Experiences? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

With all the recent hype over immersive storytelling, looking at how brands put together production teams, I was wondering how do architects design metaverse experiences? From a visual storytelling perspective I find this question as a fascinating illustration of how skills get adapted around emerging technologies. Since the metaverse broke out a year ago, we’ve…

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What is AI Generated Image?
What is AI Generated Image? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

What is AI Generated Image? “In a nutshell, it’s an image created by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. In recent developments, the AI learns the visual structure, style, and text labels for a lot of images. Then upon receiving a text prompt can generate a new image.” – Shlomi Ron It sure looks like in the…

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What is conversational video?
What is Conversational Video?
What is Conversational Video? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

  “We define conversational video as being the capture of an authentic narrative or point of view or piece of knowledge – given by a living human being that is based on their authentic experience be it historical or professional skill they have– they’re imparting person-to-person.” -Stephen SmithCofounder & CEOStoryFile Do you have a loved…

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Just Between Us…
Just Between Us… 366 222 Shlomi Ron

I’ve recently been working with a client about improving authenticity in visual storytelling for their luxury products. It made me think about the importance of creating “just-between-us” moods. First, you may ask “just-between-what?” In a nutshell, it’s every time you tell a personal story that makes your audience feel like a trusted friend. Let’s unpack…

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Let’s Talk about Empathy
Let’s Talk about Empathy 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As visual storytellers we’re always on the look out for stories that will educate/entertain/inspire our audience in order to improve their lives and drive business results, right? But as you well know, regardless of the medium, the road to emotionally move your audience into action typically goes by first establishing empathy. Yep! That critical ability…

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What is Volumetric Storytelling?
What is Volumetric Storytelling? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

“Volumetric Storytelling is adding that “dimension of you” into the story. It’s very personal because now you are an actor in the story. So, you can be told a story that is presented to you, but a Volumetric Storytelling lets you navigate through the world and use your physical presence as part of the story…

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Rent or own?
Rent or own?
Rent or own? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about… “social media?” A quick scan of your bag of experiences is maybe bringing up memorable moments of viral posts. Or your journey building up an impressive following size — maybe even being part of those coveted “social unicorns” boasting their blue check…

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How can Brands Develop Metaverse Experiences on Their Own Platforms?
How can Brands Develop Metaverse Experiences on Their Own Platforms? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

“When brands come to us, they’re looking to create experiences that emotionally reconnect people – especially after being disconnected during the pandemic. They look for this wow effect, and for an experience that can be accessible on all devices.” -Ida Kymmer Strategic Business Development Manager Journee Last year metaverse companies raised $10.4 billion! NFT sales…

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