“To survive, you must tell stories”

-Umberto Eco

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5 easy ways to create narrative images
5 easy ways to create narrative images 369 217 Shlomi Ron

What you did, do and will do – find your story How do you read this photo? Before we get to the backstory, this image offers an excellent example to demonstrate how our “visual storytelling mind” works. Images are today’s lingua franca of visual communications. According to Hootsuite, “Instagram users have shared over 40 billion…

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How to Rise above the Noise with Visual Storytelling
How to Rise above the Noise with Visual Storytelling 369 217 Shlomi Ron

Since we’re talking about the power of visual storytelling, I figured it only makes sense to use a familiar visual format – the narrative photo novel – to vividly underscore the importance of solving the “noise” problem (start reading left to right). How do you define “advertising noise?“ It’s like the classic noise picture above,…

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How to turn your side hustle into part of your BIG STORY
How to turn your side hustle into part of your BIG STORY 369 217 Shlomi Ron

I have always been fascinated by movies as engaging visual stories. For some reason, I started studying Italian as a side interest in NY’s Greenwich Village. Wow! It was like wearing VR glasses with different cultural lenses to see the world. Such that I used to joke that every Saturday I literally spent a few…

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Visual Content
The Massive Growth of Visual Content
The Massive Growth of Visual Content 1024 598 Michael Brenner
Supply and demand; the mechanism upon which the world of business is based. As we have seen time and time again, those who can produce what the customer wants, when and where they want it, are those who become successful in the market. Image via Pixabay.com It doesn’t matter which industry you operate in, or […]
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Visual Storytelling Summit 2016
Insights from Visual Storytelling Summit 2016
Insights from Visual Storytelling Summit 2016 1024 573 Shlomi Ron

It was our first Summit in partnership with The Idea Center at Miami-Dade College, dedicated to a topic that is mostly discussed in the context of entertainment and photography. Yes, there have been some discussions about visual storytelling in the context of marketing, but they tend to revolve around how to run an effective Instagram…

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The Role of Authenticity in Visual Storytelling
The Role of Authenticity in Visual Storytelling 1024 575 Shlomi Ron
When you think about why authenticity plays such a critical role in delivering an impactful message, you can start by looking at the immediate meanings Merriam-Webster dictionary offers: Real or genuine: not copied or false True and accurate Made to be or look just like an original What’s the first thing that comes to your […]
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What is Visual Storytelling?
What is Visual Storytelling? 1024 575 Shlomi Ron

I am talking to a lot of folks these days about visual storytelling, and from these interactions, I learn that there is still a great deal of ambiguity about what is visual storytelling and why it’s important now for marketers. If you’re clueless too, don’t feel bad, some of the top dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and…

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Are you a Storymaker or a Storyteller?
Are you a Storymaker or a Storyteller? 1024 573 Shlomi Ron

Just finished reading Jonathan Gottschall’s book “The Storytelling Animal.” With all the hype these days about virtual reality – Consumer VR will grow from $1.6 billion last year to $11.5 billion in 2021, according to VR and AR revenue forecast by Artillery Intelligence. I really liked Gottschall’s observation that at the end of the day…

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viral video
Tracing Success Drivers of a Viral Video
Tracing Success Drivers of a Viral Video 1024 572 Shlomi Ron

By now you have already seen the “Chewbacca Mom” video that has pushed the video of Candace Payne, a stay-at-home mom from Texas into the limelight. But what are the visual storytelling drivers that contributed to its insane success? First, here is the video in case you missed it: Original video made just for friends…

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16 Ways to Boost Your Video Storytelling Strategy – Part 2
16 Ways to Boost Your Video Storytelling Strategy – Part 2 1024 576 Shlomi Ron

When I first thought about video storytelling as a topic for this post, I figured I’ll do a top-10 list and that should cover it. Little did I know that “video well” is much deeper and I was able to extract 16 video storytelling tactics! So if you followed my part 1 post, the following…

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