Story Telling

Learn how to effectively distribute visual stories across channels and influencers to drive awareness and product/service adoption.

Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling?
Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling?
Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Sometimes you need to have things simmer longer instead of going out with a full-blown splash. Exactly two years ago, the metaverse was all the rage. Those “virtual worlds in which users represented by avatars interact, usually in 3D” (Wikipedia). At times it felt like that virtual living would encompass every aspect of our lives…

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Needs Vs. Wants
Needs Vs. Wants 366 222 Shlomi Ron

When I mentor startup founders I often start by asking them what is the core problem they’re trying to solve. Yep! There is a pitch deck slide for it. Sometimes I get a very clear answer that tightly ties a clear burning pain point to a distinct customer persona. Yet, often founders tend to describe…

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What Is False Cause Fallacy?
What is A False Cause Fallacy?
What is A False Cause Fallacy? 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

Do you know that “early December feeling” when you’re in a crazy sprint mode to cross off as many items off your list, while savoring that so close sweet reward of taking time off during the holidays? Well, I had those warm and fuzzy vibes, too, until… One morning early last month, I discovered that…

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Want Meaningful Stories? Find Your Passion
Want Meaningful Stories? Find Your Passion 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

I often talk about how to make stories more impactful using various techniques from brand strategy, workflows, tools, people, and themes. True, all these elements are important. Yet, there is one element, we usually take for granted when telling stories, but is quite a deal breaker. Your passion! Regardless of the platform, when you tell…

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How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation
How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation
How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

Since it’s Thanksgiving week, and we’re all in the spirit of giving and serving others, today I’d like to talk about social impact innovation. You’ll likely come across this term as simply “Social Innovation.” Social innovation refers to the design and implementation of new solutions that imply conceptual, process, product, or organizational change, which ultimately…

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Embrace Uncertainty: Jump Right In!
Embrace Uncertainty: Jump Right In!
Embrace Uncertainty: Jump Right In! 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Yesterday I stopped by our local bakery to buy a country bread. Its rustic crust is irresistible. During Covid’s bread baking craze I used to bake my own bread and quite enjoyed it. I don’t eat bread regularly, but occasionally I treat myself to a few pro loaves. I placed the package in the backseat…

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How to create your first nft?
How to create your first NFT?
How to create your first NFT? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Have you figured out your summer plans yet? Well, beyond the important downtime we all deserve after such a roller coaster of a year, summer is also a great time for experimentation. If you recall a few weeks ago I talked about the basics of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) that has created quite a buzz in…

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How stories of underrepresented voices drive social impact?
How Stories Of Underrepresented Voices Drive Social Impact?
How Stories Of Underrepresented Voices Drive Social Impact? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As the raging pandemic is pulling the rug from under our feet, some voices are less heard than others. To unpack this topic and discuss how stories of underrepresented voices drive social impact, I was excited to have Chris Colbert Founder/CEO at DCP Entertainment. A bit, about Chris. With a passion for connecting audiences with…

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How to adapt your personal and brand stories in uncertain times?
How To Adapt Your Personal & Brand Stories In Uncertain Times?
How To Adapt Your Personal & Brand Stories In Uncertain Times? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As we’re all locked down at home for a couple of weeks now to slow down the expansion of the coronavirus pandemic, I realized there is a unique storytelling dynamic at play here that begs the question: How do you adapt your personal and brand stories in the New Normal? You see, if you let…

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What is Visual Storytelling Photography?
What is Visual Storytelling Photography? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

  Take a close look at the photo below. What story are you reading? Where does the story take place? When was the photo taken? Who are the protagonist and other characters? Did any particular detail catch your attention? What is the primary emotion you’re sensing? Do you find any particular perspective expressed? These are…

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