Story Telling

Learn how to effectively distribute visual stories across channels and influencers to drive awareness and product/service adoption.

What’s the Difference Between a Story and a Narrative?
What’s the Difference Between a Story and a Narrative? 370 218 Shlomi Ron

Do you know what is the difference between a Story and a Narrative? In my client workshops and reading content online, I see people use them interchangeably, which is incorrect. So, let’s unpack this with the right definitions. My rendition of the Blind Men and the Elephant fable to marketing terms Your Brand Narrative is the answer to…

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Story Obstacles
How to Maximize Your Story Engagement?
How to Maximize Your Story Engagement? 370 218 Shlomi Ron

What’s wrong with the “Right Person, Right Place, Right Time, Right Message?” – for visual storytellers? We all lived by this mantra for so long. Now it’s time to update its relevancy to visual storytelling today. Robert Rose, from The Content Advisory, says: “Instead of focusing on the right message, to the right person, at the…

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Why Backstage Stories Make Your Message Work Harder?
Why Backstage Stories Make Your Message Work Harder? 370 218 Shlomi Ron

I was driving my car last Friday evening on my way for an art opening in Coral Gables Museum. With the music blazing, my spirits high I noticed a warning light on my car dashboard. Initially, I couldn’t tell what that exclamation mark wrapped around a semi-circle meant. You see, my Volkswagen Tiguan has a…

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Total eclipse
Why Storytelling is Essential to Effective Marketing
Why Storytelling is Essential to Effective Marketing 370 218 Shlomi Ron

I have been thinking a lot lately about the true meaning of storytelling as a vehicle to drive influence. Beyond the scientific evidence for the effectiveness of stories, I was looking for a deeper answer. “Storytelling” yields 195M search results on Google, whereas its nearest keen “Visual Storytelling” –  close to 5.66M results. This tells…

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The Ultimate Guide to Revealing the Visual Grammar of Social Signals from your Audience
The Ultimate Guide to Revealing the Visual Grammar of Social Signals from your Audience 370 218 Shlomi Ron

Consider this scenario. Yesterday you met an old friend and after the usual chitchat, the conversation sparked a fresh new perspective related to your work. You’re all fired up, writing and rewriting your pearls of newfound wisdom you’re dying to share now with the world and reap the ultimate watershed of likes and comments. You…

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How to Transform a True Story Into an Urban Movement?
How to Transform a True Story Into an Urban Movement? 370 218 Shlomi Ron

It’s 8 AM in September, you are enjoying your coffee with your partner and your dogs outside your usual spot at La Provence on Flagler near the busy corner of NE 3rd Avenue in Downtown Miami. The street is packed with people on their way to work. All of sudden, a clearly mentally disturbed homeless…

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How to Use Portrait Photography to Maximize First Impression?
How to Use Portrait Photography to Maximize First Impression? 370 218 Kirk Francis

First impressions are paramount. You never get a second chance, so make it count! You’ll never get a second chance again! In the blink of an eye, we form a first impression. Why? Because we’ve evolved over millennia to be able to tell. These days, on social media, your profile and bio are where people…

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How to use visual storytelling in e-learning?
How to use visual storytelling in e-learning? 370 218 Yannis Angelis

Thanks for stopping by. My name is Yannis Angelis, a Narrative Futurist, and co-founder at Beyond Storytelling Network. As a guest on the Visual Storytelling Today podcast I shared details about my journey as a business storyteller, and how I applied visual storytelling in my e-learning programs while working for a medical device company. Watch the full video recording of this interview:…

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7 Proven Tactics to Improve Your SEO with Visual Stories
7 Proven Tactics to Improve Your SEO with Visual Stories 370 218 Samantha Lile

In a world driven by data, the art of the visual story is often lost on today’s marketers. What they might fail to realize is that visual stories – whether they be in the form of video, slide shows, infographics or another medium – not only engage audiences but also provide a significant boost to…

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6 audio storytelling trends to watch for
6 audio storytelling trends to watch for 370 218 Shlomi Ron

Do you have an audio storytelling strategy? Or better yet, is your content strategy optimized for audio? I know what you might be thinking now, why audio? Isn’t the VISUAL Storytelling Institute all about visual? True! But the way I see it, there are two ways the human brain can consume visual content: 1) DIRECT…

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