Visual Storytelling Today

Visual Storytelling Today is a monthly live video show, where every month we interview a notable visual storyteller. Visual Storytelling Today is your #1 source for the latest actionable visual storytelling ideas you can apply to your business today. Below you can watch all of our past shows and read supporting blog posts.

What is data storytelling - thumb
What Is Data Storytelling?
What Is Data Storytelling? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about “Visual Storytelling?” If you’re likely thinking about compelling stories delivered through videos, photos, illustrations, and podcasts – you’re right. But ever wondered what is data storytelling? Guess what, raw data about user behavior visiting your website or sales forecast, could also serve…

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Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling?
Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling?
Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Sometimes you need to have things simmer longer instead of going out with a full-blown splash. Exactly two years ago, the metaverse was all the rage. Those “virtual worlds in which users represented by avatars interact, usually in 3D” (Wikipedia). At times it felt like that virtual living would encompass every aspect of our lives…

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How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI?
How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI?
How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As a visual storyteller, I bet one of the most troubling areas you’re grappling with these days is on one hand the rise of misinformation in the age of AI, and ways you can protect your brand integrity. Transparency and trust go a long way. In this spirit, I created the cover visual with ChatGPT4 envisioning a…

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Podcasting turns 20. Read full story and my practical tips.
Podcasting Turns 20!
Podcasting Turns 20! 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Did you know that February 2024 marked 20 years since podcasting broke into our lives? Crazy isn’t it? First, let’s demystify the common belief that because podcasting is typically audio (not always), is not part of visual storytelling. The way I look at it, there is no requirement that you need to see stories with…

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Visual Narratives: Driving Innovation Between The U.S. And Latin America
Visual Narratives: Driving Innovation Between The U.S. And Latin America 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Speaking about location, you want to consider the place where your story takes place as an important character affecting emotional perceptions of your entire plot. Can you imagine the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) not taking place in New York? Or the first Rocky (1976) – not in Philadelphia? Miami’s story is no different. Due to Miami’s location…

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How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation
How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation
How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

Since it’s Thanksgiving week, and we’re all in the spirit of giving and serving others, today I’d like to talk about social impact innovation. You’ll likely come across this term as simply “Social Innovation.” Social innovation refers to the design and implementation of new solutions that imply conceptual, process, product, or organizational change, which ultimately…

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How To Use AI to Augment Your Visual Storytelling
How To Use AI to Augment Your Visual Storytelling 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

Since AI broke out into our lives almost a year ago when OpenAI released ChatGPT, the entire tech market went wild to introduce new AI tools for a wide range of use cases in almost every sector imaginable. For us, visual storytellers, AI offers a versatile “Swiss Knife” that can support the entire creative process;…

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How To Use Visual Storytelling To Communicate Cybersecurity Threats?
How To Use Visual Storytelling To Communicate Cybersecurity Threats?
How To Use Visual Storytelling To Communicate Cybersecurity Threats? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Do you know what it’s like when you’re used to perceiving certain concepts in a particular way, but when you simply change your lens, a much clearer perspective emerges?                                                    …

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How Does AI Democratize Volumetric Videos for Brands
How Does AI Democratize Volumetric Videos for Brands 366 222 Shlomi Ron

If you recall back in May of last year I shared with you a podcast episode titled What is Volumetric Storytelling? In which, I talked with Elizabeth Baron, Enterprise Solutions Executive at Unity. As a refresher, Wikipedia defines Volumetric capture or volumetric video Is a technique that captures a three-dimensional space, such as a location or…

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What is Volumetric Storytelling?
What is Volumetric Storytelling? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

“Volumetric Storytelling is adding that “dimension of you” into the story. It’s very personal because now you are an actor in the story. So, you can be told a story that is presented to you, but a Volumetric Storytelling lets you navigate through the world and use your physical presence as part of the story…

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