
How to adapt your personal and brand stories in uncertain times?
How To Adapt Your Personal & Brand Stories In Uncertain Times?
How To Adapt Your Personal & Brand Stories In Uncertain Times? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As we’re all locked down at home for a couple of weeks now to slow down the expansion of the coronavirus pandemic, I realized there is a unique storytelling dynamic at play here that begs the question: How do you adapt your personal and brand stories in the New Normal? You see, if you let…

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What is Live Sketching? Visual Storytelling Today show
The Art of Live Sketching at Events
The Art of Live Sketching at Events 366 222 Shlomi Ron

In recent years live sketching at events has become quite popular. I’m of course referring to the practice when you see a presenter on stage and on the sidelines you have a visual artist that in real-time brings to life the key ideas into a sketch on canvas. The art of live sketching at events…

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