Visual Storytelling

How to Repackage Your Best Stories
How to Repackage Your Best Stories
How to Repackage Your Best Stories 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As a visual storyteller, I bet you produce a ton of content regularly you often recycle, right? I’m talking about your original content—be it text, audio, images, or videos—that you share on your owned media channels. Those are the channels you fully control such as your blog, email newsletter, mobile app, white paper, webinars, courses,…

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How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI?
How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI?
How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As a visual storyteller, I bet one of the most troubling areas you’re grappling with these days is on one hand the rise of misinformation in the age of AI, and ways you can protect your brand integrity. Transparency and trust go a long way. In this spirit, I created the cover visual with ChatGPT4 envisioning a…

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Podcasting turns 20. Read full story and my practical tips.
Podcasting Turns 20!
Podcasting Turns 20! 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Did you know that February 2024 marked 20 years since podcasting broke into our lives? Crazy isn’t it? First, let’s demystify the common belief that because podcasting is typically audio (not always), is not part of visual storytelling. The way I look at it, there is no requirement that you need to see stories with…

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Needs Vs. Wants
Needs Vs. Wants 366 222 Shlomi Ron

When I mentor startup founders I often start by asking them what is the core problem they’re trying to solve. Yep! There is a pitch deck slide for it. Sometimes I get a very clear answer that tightly ties a clear burning pain point to a distinct customer persona. Yet, often founders tend to describe…

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Want Meaningful Stories? Find Your Passion
Want Meaningful Stories? Find Your Passion 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

I often talk about how to make stories more impactful using various techniques from brand strategy, workflows, tools, people, and themes. True, all these elements are important. Yet, there is one element, we usually take for granted when telling stories, but is quite a deal breaker. Your passion! Regardless of the platform, when you tell…

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How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation
How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation
How Visual Storytelling Can Drive Social Impact Innovation 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

Since it’s Thanksgiving week, and we’re all in the spirit of giving and serving others, today I’d like to talk about social impact innovation. You’ll likely come across this term as simply “Social Innovation.” Social innovation refers to the design and implementation of new solutions that imply conceptual, process, product, or organizational change, which ultimately…

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Taking a Forest View at Visual Storytelling
Taking a Forest View at Visual Storytelling 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

The other day I had this mental exercise that made me think hard about the implications for visual storytellers looking at our changing landscape. No one knows for sure, but here’s my take. First, let’s look at the numbers Even before dreaming of going live, 60-70 percent of content produced by B2B companies goes unused due to irrelevancy (SiriusDecisions).…

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How Does AI Democratize Volumetric Videos for Brands
How Does AI Democratize Volumetric Videos for Brands 366 222 Shlomi Ron

If you recall back in May of last year I shared with you a podcast episode titled What is Volumetric Storytelling? In which, I talked with Elizabeth Baron, Enterprise Solutions Executive at Unity. As a refresher, Wikipedia defines Volumetric capture or volumetric video Is a technique that captures a three-dimensional space, such as a location or…

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Embrace Uncertainty: Jump Right In!
Embrace Uncertainty: Jump Right In!
Embrace Uncertainty: Jump Right In! 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Yesterday I stopped by our local bakery to buy a country bread. Its rustic crust is irresistible. During Covid’s bread baking craze I used to bake my own bread and quite enjoyed it. I don’t eat bread regularly, but occasionally I treat myself to a few pro loaves. I placed the package in the backseat…

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How Can Brands Use Pets In Visual Storytelling to Create Emotional Connections?
How Can Brands Use Pets In Visual Storytelling to Create Emotional Connections?
How Can Brands Use Pets In Visual Storytelling to Create Emotional Connections? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Do you find yourself walking down the street, and as soon you see someone taking out their dog for a walk – can’t resist the emotional surge to come over and shower the pet with love? Advertisers – including non-pet brands – have been using pets in their advertising for a long time for exactly…

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