
Learn how to visualize your story using images.

How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI?
How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI?
How Can Brands Combat Misinformation With Ethical AI? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As a visual storyteller, I bet one of the most troubling areas you’re grappling with these days is on one hand the rise of misinformation in the age of AI, and ways you can protect your brand integrity. Transparency and trust go a long way. In this spirit, I created the cover visual with ChatGPT4 envisioning a…

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Taking a Forest View at Visual Storytelling
Taking a Forest View at Visual Storytelling 1024 621 Shlomi Ron

The other day I had this mental exercise that made me think hard about the implications for visual storytellers looking at our changing landscape. No one knows for sure, but here’s my take. First, let’s look at the numbers Even before dreaming of going live, 60-70 percent of content produced by B2B companies goes unused due to irrelevancy (SiriusDecisions).…

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What Inspires You To Take A Photo?
What Inspires You To Take A Photo? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

With everybody using their phones to snap photos, have you ever stopped to think what inspired you to stop and take that photo? As visual storytellers, one of the most fun activities is to take photos using our phone. It’s convenient, immediate, and on-the-go. I have recently talked about our unique superpower to use our…

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How to Tell A Memorable Story
How to Tell A Memorable Story 366 222 Shlomi Ron

As you’re spreading your brand narrative far and wide, do you sometimes have trouble coming up with ways to tell memorable stories? Yep! Those stories that stuck in your mind, and even years later you still find yourself sharing them with people How to Tell A Memorable Story When you look at the various ways…

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What is AI Generated Image?
What is AI Generated Image? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

What is AI Generated Image? “In a nutshell, it’s an image created by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. In recent developments, the AI learns the visual structure, style, and text labels for a lot of images. Then upon receiving a text prompt can generate a new image.” – Shlomi Ron It sure looks like in the…

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What happens when form meets function?
What Happens when Form Meets Function?
What Happens when Form Meets Function? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

I bet you’ve already heard the statement “Form follows function” quite a lot in your career. This principle of design is associated with late 19th and early 20th-century architecture and industrial design in general, which states that the shape of a building or object should primarily relate to its intended function or purpose (Wikipedia). Now…

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A Story is Like...
A Story is Like…
A Story is Like… 366 222 Shlomi Ron

  Life is like a box of chocolates.You never know what you’re gonna get.”– Forrest Gump How do use comparisons in your visual storytelling? As a visual storyteller, one of your powerful communication tactics – you may not even realize – is comparing one aspect of your business to another in a completely different field…

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How to create your first nft?
How to create your first NFT?
How to create your first NFT? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Have you figured out your summer plans yet? Well, beyond the important downtime we all deserve after such a roller coaster of a year, summer is also a great time for experimentation. If you recall a few weeks ago I talked about the basics of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) that has created quite a buzz in…

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Why location is important in a story?
Why Is Location Important In A Story?
Why Is Location Important In A Story? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Do you give enough importance to location in your visual stories? The location along with the time are critical in painting a vivid story in your audience’s minds. In a classic story structure that follows Setting, Conflict, and Resolution, you typically will find the first mention of the location in Act 1: The Setting. This…

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What’s All The Fuss With NFTs?
What’s All The Fuss With NFTs? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

What are you thinking about all this NFT craze that’s all over the media these days? In the past few months we’ve all experienced a whirlwind of media coverage, mixed signals, hype vs. bubble alerts, and mostly dreams of a new generation of creators that crave a platform to share and monetize their digital art.…

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