
Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling?
Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling?
Why Is VR Becoming the Go-To for Authentic Storytelling? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

Sometimes you need to have things simmer longer instead of going out with a full-blown splash. Exactly two years ago, the metaverse was all the rage. Those “virtual worlds in which users represented by avatars interact, usually in 3D” (Wikipedia). At times it felt like that virtual living would encompass every aspect of our lives…

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What is Volumetric Storytelling?
What is Volumetric Storytelling? 366 222 Shlomi Ron

“Volumetric Storytelling is adding that “dimension of you” into the story. It’s very personal because now you are an actor in the story. So, you can be told a story that is presented to you, but a Volumetric Storytelling lets you navigate through the world and use your physical presence as part of the story…

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