Meaningful details

Why You Should Use B-Roll in Your Visual Storytelling
Why You Should Use B-Roll in Your Visual Storytelling
Why You Should Use B-Roll in Your Visual Storytelling 366 222 Shlomi Ron

It was a nice Sunday afternoon, my wife and I were walking down the street on Miracle Mile in Coral Gables, FL. People were walking around, some relaxing on benches, families strolling with their kids, and others enjoying late lunch in the many outdoor restaurants that lined up the street. We were on our way…

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Why meaningful details drive great stories?
What is Total Acuity?
What is Total Acuity? 366 219 Shlomi Ron

What is Total Acuity? “Acuity means sharpness of vision or the ability to perceive details. When your story includes details your audience truly cares about, attention spikes, then emotional empathy builds up that gradually turns into trust and behavior change.” -Shlomi Ron CEO, Visual Storytelling Institute “It just spoke to me” responded an art collector…

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