
What is Live Sketching? Visual Storytelling Today show
The Art of Live Sketching at Events
The Art of Live Sketching at Events 366 222 Shlomi Ron

In recent years live sketching at events has become quite popular. I’m of course referring to the practice when you see a presenter on stage and on the sidelines you have a visual artist that in real-time brings to life the key ideas into a sketch on canvas. The art of live sketching at events…

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What is Inclusive Storytelling?
What is Inclusive Storytelling? 366 219 Shlomi Ron

With the holiday season upon us and with it, the holiday spirit that makes this time of year more special, more introspective, grateful and generous – how can you extend these feelings to the rest of the year? This is especially true in our fractious times when finding narrative strings that unite us – have…

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How to turn your side hustle into part of your BIG STORY
How to turn your side hustle into part of your BIG STORY 369 217 Shlomi Ron

I have always been fascinated by movies as engaging visual stories. For some reason, I started studying Italian as a side interest in NY’s Greenwich Village. Wow! It was like wearing VR glasses with different cultural lenses to see the world. Such that I used to joke that every Saturday I literally spent a few…

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Visual Storytelling Summit 2016
Insights from Visual Storytelling Summit 2016
Insights from Visual Storytelling Summit 2016 1024 573 Shlomi Ron

It was our first Summit in partnership with The Idea Center at Miami-Dade College, dedicated to a topic that is mostly discussed in the context of entertainment and photography. Yes, there have been some discussions about visual storytelling in the context of marketing, but they tend to revolve around how to run an effective Instagram…

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